Texas State University

Graduate Program in Developmental Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

601 University Blvd.
San Marco, Texas 78666
Phone: 512.245.6839

Doctoral Program:  https://www.education.txstate.edu/ci/dev-ed-doc/  
Doctoral Director:  Sonya L. Armstrong, sarmstrong@txstate.edu

Master's program:  https://www.education.txstate.edu/ci/dev-ed-masters/
​​​​​​​Master's Coordinator:  Taylor Acee, aceet@txstate.edu

Degrees Offered

M.A., Ed.D., Ph.D.

Program Emphasis

The graduate program in developmental education within the Department of Curriculum and Instruction prepares future scholars, researchers, leaders, administrators, instructors, and practitioners in the field of developmental education in community colleges, universities, and other postsecondary contexts. Both rigorous and supportive, our program aims to advance theory, research, and practice in multiple areas of developmental education—including developmental literacy, learning support, and developmental mathematics—by actively engaging graduate students in teaching, scholarship and professional service. As a multidisciplinary program, the faculty, staff, and students work collaboratively across various academic disciplines, diverse communities and geographic boundaries.

Exemplar Courses

DE 7321 The Community College 
DE 7322 Learning Support Centers in Postsecondary Settings 
DE 7301 Understanding Developmental Education Learners in a Diverse Society
